Linked Accounts: 

The Linked Accounts page shows you a list of websites which are linked to your account like your Facebook,Google apps or your Yahoo! accounts. These accounts can be used to sign in to your Zoho account without entering your username and password. This page also contains further details like the “Email Address” linked to these accounts and the Company which provides your identity (Open-ID Provider).

If you want to remove any of these accounts, click on the “Remove Open-ID mapping” button. Once the account has been removed, further sign-ins using that account will not be allowed.

How can I link my existing Zoho account to Google/Yahoo/Facebook/Google-Apps account?

To link your existing Zoho account with your Google/Yahoo/Facebook/Google-Apps account, follow the steps given below:

  • Log in to your Zoho account at, click the My Profile Info tab and 'Email Address' link present on the left-hand panel.

  • Your primary email address will be displayed along with the Add Email button.

  • Click the Add Email button, enter your Google/Yahoo/Facebook/Google-Apps email address & your current Zoho password.

  • Once done, your Google/Yahoo/Facebook/Google-Apps email id will be added as a secondary email address to your Zoho account.